Contact us
Booking a Holiday Home or Apartment
Please begin your search via the availability search bar at the top of this page. Searching in this way will allow you to view our listing photos and descriptions and to check availability and seek quotes. You'll also be able to confirm your booking with instant online confirmation.
For Booking Assistance
Use our contact form here or on any of our listing pages. Please double-check the contact details you provide, include details of the property or properties you like or a wish-list for us to make recommendations to. Please be sure to provide your arrival & departure dates and guest numbers (adults & children) in your enquiry.
For Property Listing enquiries
Please provide your property address, a brief description of your property, available dates, your contact details and a suitable time to contact you. Our team will be in touch with detailed service information and to answer your questions :-)
Prefer to speak with us by phone?
We welcome your phone call during our extended business hours between 8am and 8pm 7 days a week. Please call us on 03 548 5822 or +64 3 548 5822 if calling from Overseas.
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